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Rebekah Gregory
When Rebekah Gregory was 10 years old, she made a promise to herself that she'd write a book by the age of 30. Little did she know what a...
Shyima Hall
Despite having been heavily covered by western media, the sad saga of an Egyptian girl who was robbed of her childhood in the cruelest...
Hilde Kate Lysiak
EXCLUSIVE: Scholastic has acquired the worldwide rights to four books by 9-year-old Hilde Lysiak — to be co-written with her father,...
Hilde Kate Lysiak
Scholastic’s newest author may be only 9 years old, but she’s already established herself as a nationally known writer thanks to her...
Elizabeth Rynecki
A page-turning personal history of Rynecki’s search for her great-grandfather’s legacy.Moshe Rynecki (1881-1943) was a Polish artist...
Rebekah Gregory
Rebekah Gregory, who lost a leg in the Boston Marathon bombing, leans on prayers and the rallying cry "Boston Strong" as her premature...
Hilde Kate Lysiak
Hilde Kate Lysiak, the 9-year-old reporter, editor and publisher of the Orange Street News, may have gotten famous for scooping the...
Hilde Kate Lysiak
A 9-year-old journalist from Selinsgrove, Pa., became a media sensation this week, with articles in The Washington Post and The Guardian...
Gaby Rodriguez
YAKIMA, Wash. -- Five years ago this month, Toppenish High School student Gaby Rodriguez concluded a 61/2-month social experiment,...
Jack Andraka
Chile reaches young American scientist who invented method of diagnosing cancer 26,000 times cheaper than the current On May 7 presented...
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