Carolyn Porter

A collection of letters and handwriting samples Carolyn Porter has collected over the years. It was Marcel’s handwriting that first attracted her to his letters.
Carolyn Porter could never have predicted that a brief stop in a Stillwater antique shop would thrust her down a decade-long journey full of heart-pounding twists and turns, plunge her back in time, and end up changing her life forever.
Something about a stack of old yellowed postcards swirled with cascading letters written in French caught her attention. A graphic designer, she’d always been infatuated with calligraphy and the shapes of letters. She paid the apathetic teenager behind the counter and walked out with what was, unbeknownst to both of them, a treasure.
“For years I had wanted to capture the essence of century-old handwriting in a font,” Porter says. “I knew when I was standing in that store that those letters would be the basis of my new project.”
Porter spent her nights and weekends deconstructing the upper- and lower-case letters and numbers, as a creative respite from designing medical brochures. CLICK FOR MORE